Financial Foundation Builders exists to see others achieve true, biblical, financial freedom that radically impacts people's lives, purpose, giving, and relationships.
Financial Foundation Builders offers practical and biblical approaches to money and life.


The objectives of the FFB seminars is to provide solid, biblical approaches to money management, finances and giving.  Other key objectives are detailed below. If you would like to schedule a seminar, please click here.

  • To help individuals develop a Life Plan (mission for living), a Financial Plan, and a Giving Plan
  • To emphasize strongly stewardship, giving, and missions
  • To share my personal testimony of how I achieved complete financial freedom (> $100,000 in debt and no giving to totally debt free including the mortgage and giving 30%)
  • To present biblical teachings on materialism, self-control, obedience, discipline, and spiritual/financial parallels
  • To help individuals regain control of their finances
  • To demonstrate how to develop personal and family goals--for finances and for life
  • To demonstrate how to set up a realistic, structured budget to help individuals get out of debt (tools and worksheets provided)
  • To provide an opportunity for an evangelistic outreach to the community that meets a real need
  • To see a significant increase in local church and missions giving
  • To arm Christians with tools to achieve financial freedom and to assist others in doing the same
  • To increase marital and family unity
  • To ground youth and college age in financial principles and to encourage planning early in life
  • To see those people who are in debt become totally and completely debt free
  • To provide pastors; church boards; and leadership, finance, and benevolence committees with tools for financial requests and follow-up
  • To meet a practical, critical need within the church
  • To offer money-saving ideas and educational websites
  • To provide an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to deal with greed, materialism, selfishness, and idolatry
  • To glorify Jesus Christ!
A colorful, graphical, lively, informative presentation (using Powerpoint or overhead transparencies).
  • Workbook and hand-out provided
  • Presented on a love offering basis in churches
  • Nondenominational emphasis
  • New, updated presentation material-- 60+ colorful, lively powerpoint slides tailored for your church and vision.
  • EASE THE SQUEEZE and other resources made available


Based upon your available time, several length options have been provided.  If your needs vary, FFB is able to custom create a seminar based upon your specific schedule.
  • PLAN A:  2 to 4 hours on a Sunday evening or a weekday evening
  • PLAN B:  4 to 8 hours on a Friday evening and a Saturday morning
  • PLAN C:  4 to 8 hours in a Saturday or Sunday workshop
  • PLAN D:  4 to 8 hour Saturday session with 30 minutes Sunday morning
  • PLAN E:  Two night sessions, 1 to 3 hours each
  • PLAN F:  30-minute to 1-hour teaching(s) on Sunday morning (see Biblical giving teachings)
  • PLAN G:  Tie-in "Christmas on a Budget Seminar" for women with any of the preceding plans. Creating Family Traditions and Stress-Free Holidays (with my wife).
  • PLAN H:  You name it!


15 Hot Topics To Explore
Amazing Statistics
Budget Busters
Debt Consolidation
Debt Warning Signs
Financial Freedom
Kill Your Debt
Prosperity Gospel
Readiness Quiz
Setting Up A Budget
Stewardship Giving
Take Action
Time Management
Tithe or Not
Tribute To Larry Burkett
Under Seige
Financial Foundation Builders Copyright © 2003 - & Disclaimer
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